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Higher Institute Of Management And Entrepreneurship (Hime)

  5.0 .    Catégories: Administrations, Université/Institut/Enseignement Supérieur,
 Localisation: Behind BASTOS Factory, near Chinese Restaurant
 Adresse: Behind BASTOS Factory, near Chinese Restaurant, Yaoundé, CM.

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Higher Institute Of Management And Entrepreneurship (Hime)

Higher Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, known under the acronym of HIME, HIME Education for medias and the company name of Sup de Management, is a Business School with an added value of diversity in many aspects: training method, programs, students and lecturers, environment, curriculum’s shape.

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  Behind BASTOS Factory, near Chinese Restaurant
  Yaoundé, Centre, CM

Administrations , Université/Institut/Enseignement Supérieur

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